“Being U.S. Ambassador to the Netherlands was not just a job. It was a love story between a woman who didn’t fit the mold and a country that didn’t mind. I poured every fiber of my being into each aspect of the work….honoring my country, honoring this role and honoring our shared mission to further deepen and expand the historic relationship between our two great democracies across every conceivable topic. I was determined to show up as 100% me, bringing an energetic personality and lots of questions! I felt it was my joyful duty to do the goodwill of the White House and the State Department, and it was my privilege to learn about the history and beauty of the Dutch people, the Dutch culture and the incredible landscape. At my Mission, my overriding focus was to foster a culture of kindness, respect, service, acceptance, transparency and authenticity. A place where everyone at the Mission, whatever their job….felt deeply valued, everyone felt heard. I have always been aware that the effect one has on others….the way we make people feel….is the most valuable currency there is in life.”
Shefali Razdan Duggal
U.S. Ambassador, Retired
The Netherlands (2022-2025)